Thursday, March 16, 2006

Rich Dad, Poor Dad

by Robert T. Kiyosaki, Sharon L. Lechter

English Description:
Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money--That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! (Paperback)

Editorial Reviews
Personal-finance author and lecturer Robert Kiyosaki developed his unique economic perspective through exposure to a pair of disparate influences: his own highly educated but fiscally unstable father, and the multimillionaire eighth-grade dropout father of his closest friend. The lifelong monetary problems experienced by his "poor dad" (whose weekly paychecks, while respectable, were never quite sufficient to meet family needs) pounded home the counterpoint communicated by his "rich dad" (that "the poor and the middle class work for money," but "the rich have money work for them"). Taking that message to heart, Kiyosaki was able to retire at 47. Rich Dad, Poor Dad, written with consultant and CPA Sharon L. Lechter, lays out his the philosophy behind his relationship with money. Although Kiyosaki can take a frustratingly long time to make his points, his book nonetheless compellingly advocates for the type of "financial literacy" that's never taught in schools. Based on the principle that income-generating assets always provide healthier bottom-line results than even the best of traditional jobs, it explains how those assets might be acquired so that the jobs can eventually be shed. --Howard Rothman

Chinese Description:
作者:(美)清崎(Kiyosaki R.T.) (美)莱希特(Lechter S.L.)
Translator: 杨军 等
  今天的财富是选择,因为选择,你可以拥有更多物质,有更多的舒适、快乐和自由,你可以成为你想成为的人;因为选择,你可以更加困难地生活或困惑,也可以在回忆中与时共进。今天的金钱更丰富多彩、虚实纷飞。 “富爸爸”系列丛书,一套普通的财富书,却在21世纪刚刚开始的时候掀起了一场轩然大波,紫色的全球风暴波及到了财富的本质、财富的生命与表现、财富的人文、财富的创造与毁灭。财富给我们的帮助与困惑,从西到东,又从东到西。 它因此从一套畅销书变为长销书。
   罗伯特生在夏威夷,长在夏威夷,是第四代日裔美国人。他出生于一个教师家庭,父亲在夏威夷州教育部任职。高中毕业以后,罗伯特在纽约接受教育,大学毕业 后加入了美国海军陆战队,作为军官和舰载武装直升机驾驶员,被派往越南战场。 从战场上归来后,罗伯特开始了自己的商业生涯。1977年他创立了一家公司,首次将用尼龙和“维可牢”搭链制成的“冲浪者”钱包投放市场,后来这一产品在 世界范围内成长为价值数百万美元的产业。他和他的产品在《赛马世界》、《绅士季刊》、《成功杂志》、《新闻周刊》上被广泛介绍。 莎伦毕业于佛罗里达州立大学萨马卡姆劳德学院,获会计学学位。随后,她进入了当时的八大会计师事务所之一,成为跻身这一行业的首批妇女。后来,她陆续做过 电脑行业的一家增长迅速的公司的财务总监,一家全国性保险公司的税务指导,威斯康辛州的第一家地区性妇女杂志的创刊者和联合出版者,同时她还一直保持着一 位注册会计师的职业声誉。 等等


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